Trinity Centre Refugee Week / Wythnos Ffoaduriaid Canolfan y Drindod


Want to get involved with Refugee Week this year? Celebrate with Trinity Centre!

Eisiau cymryd rhan yn Wythnos Ffoaduriaid eleni? Dathlwch gyda Chanolfan y Drindod!

We have a few projects and events we're involved with this year, feel free to contact us if you'd like more information.

Mae gennym ni ychydig o brosiectau a digwyddiadau yr ydym yn ymwneud â nhw eleni, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth.‍

Throughout the week we will be sharing Welcome Postcards from across Cardiff with Sanctuary Seeking families that attend our centre. There's still time for you to get involved! Just make sure your postcards reach us via post/whatsapp/email before Monday 17th June. Here's some more information below:

Trwy gydol yr wythnos byddwn yn rhannu Cardiau Post Croeso o bob rhan o Gaerdydd gyda theuluoedd sy'n Ceisio Noddfa. mynychu ein canolfan. Mae amser o hyd i chi gymryd rhan! Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich cardiau post yn ein cyrraedd trwy'r post / watsapp / e-bost cyn dydd Llun 17 Mehefin. Dyma ychydig mwy o wybodaeth isod:

We also have an event in partnership with Aurora Trinity to welcome the whole local community to our temporary location, so you can learn all about who we are and what we do. There will be traditional tea and coffee demonstrations by women from the Aurora Trinity group, and a free tea recipe book to take home with you. Feel free to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Details below:

Mae gennym ni hefyd ddigwyddiad mewn partneriaeth ag Aurora Trinity i groesawu’r gymuned leol gyfan i’n lleoliad dros dro, fel y gallwch ddysgu popeth am bwy ydym ni a beth rydym yn ei wneud. Bydd arddangosiadau te a choffi traddodiadol gan ferched o grŵp Aurora Trinity, a llyfr ryseitiau te am ddim i fynd adref gyda chi. Mae croeso i chi alw heibio am baned a sgwrs. Manylion isod:

We've also been invited to hold an information table at Cardiff Central Library's Refugee Week Event on 22nd June. Pop by to learn more about our work, and to meet other organisation who support Refugees and Sanctuary Seekers. We'll see you there!

Rydym hefyd wedi cael ein gwahodd i gynnal bwrdd gwybodaeth yn Nigwyddiad Wythnos Ffoaduriaid Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd ar 22 Mehefin. Galwch heibio i ddysgu mwy am ein gwaith, ac i gwrdd â sefydliadau eraill sy'n cefnogi Ffoaduriaid a Cheiswyr Noddfa. Welwn ni chi yno!

However you get involved with Refugee Week - just make sure you do. Refugees and Sanctuary Seekers deserve to feel welcomed to Wales - let's show that welcome across the capitol city and beyond. #RefugeesWelcome

Sut bynnag rydych chi'n cymryd rhan yn Wythnos y Ffoaduriaid - gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi'n gwneud hynny. Mae Ffoaduriaid a Cheiswyr Noddfa yn haeddu teimlo bod croeso iddynt i Gymru – gadewch i ni ddangos y croeso hwnnw ar draws y brifddinas a thu hwnt. #CroesoiFfoaduriaid

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