Behind the scenes of the TC Exhibition/Arddangosfa CyD

November 5, 2024

Do you wonder how the Trinity Centre Exhibition at Museum of Cardiff was created? Read on...

A ydych yn meddwl tybed sut y crëwyd Arddangosfa Canolfan y Drindod yn Amgueddfa Caerdydd? Darllenwch ymlaen...

Back in the spring of 2024, a group got together at the Museum of Cardiff to start thinking about making an exhibition that would tell the history of Trinity. The group were 8 young people, who are all part of Youth Zone. The idea was that we would meet and interview people who had been apart of Trinity and record their memories. These memories, or oral histories, would then guide the content of the exhibition.

We learnt practical tips and tricks such as how to use a Zoom recorder, types of questions to use, and that it’s okay if what people say isn’t factual – it’s all about hearing people’s opinions and experiences. We also explored the museum to find examples of great exhibits – to get some inspiration.

Yn ôl yng ngwanwyn 2024, daeth criw at ei gilydd yn Amgueddfa Caerdydd i ddechrau meddwl am wneud arddangosfa a fyddai’n adrodd hanes y Drindod. Roedd y grŵp yn 8 o bobl ifanc, sydd i gyd yn rhan o'r Grwp Ieuenctid "Youth Zone". Y syniad oedd y byddem yn cyfarfod a chyfweld pobl oedd wedi bod yn rhan o'r Drindod a chofnodi eu hatgofion. Byddai'r atgofion hyn, neu'r hanesion llafar, wedyn yn llywio cynnwys yr arddangosfa.

Dysgon ni awgrymiadau a thriciau ymarferol fel sut i ddefnyddio recordydd Zoom, mathau o gwestiynau i’w defnyddio, a’i bod hi’n iawn os nad yw’r hyn mae pobl yn ei ddweud yn ffeithiol – mae’n ymwneud â chlywed barn a phrofiadau pobl. Buom hefyd yn archwilio’r amgueddfa i ddod o hyd i enghreifftiau o arddangosion gwych – i gael ychydig o ysbrydoliaeth.

We then headed out to interview! We met with a range of people from Trinity’s past. Some people had been Reverends, some were really involved in city wide projects connected to the church, some had got married at Trinity, and some had been going there since they were born! What stuck out was the warmth and fondness that people had for the sense belonging that Trinity had. Obviously, with any group of people, there are struggles but the overall message was one of a strong community. The other striking thing was that Trinity had a long history of welcoming refugees and asylum seekers way before the Trinity Project started.

Along the way, we met to check in about what types of things people were telling us. We researched Trinity’s history through the resources that were kindly loaned to us. We had a host of materials including old newsletters and magazines, photographs, newspaper articles, a Songs of Praise video, and a selection of objects such as the Trinity handbells – that had been rung by young people.

Yna aethon ni allan i gyfweld! Fe wnaethom gyfarfod ag amrywiaeth o bobl o orffennol y Drindod. Roedd rhai pobl wedi bod yn barchedig, rhai yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau dinas gyfan yn ymwneud â'r eglwys, rhai wedi priodi yn y Drindod, ac roedd rhai wedi bod yn mynd yno ers eu geni! Yr hyn a ddaeth yn amlwg oedd y cynhesrwydd a'r hoffter oedd gan bobl at yr ymdeimlad o berthyn oedd gan y Drindod. Yn amlwg, gydag unrhyw grŵp o bobl, mae yna frwydrau ond y neges gyffredinol oedd un o gymuned gref. Y peth trawiadol arall oedd bod gan y Drindod hanes hir o groesawu ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches ymhell cyn i Brosiect y Drindod ddechrau.

Ar hyd y ffordd, gwnaethom gyfarfod i wirio pa fathau o bethau yr oedd pobl yn eu dweud wrthym. Buom yn ymchwilio i hanes y Drindod trwy’r adnoddau a fenthycwyd yn garedig i ni. Cawsom lu o ddeunyddiau gan gynnwys hen gylchlythyrau a chylchgronau, ffotograffau, erthyglau papur newydd, fideo Songs of Praise, a detholiad o wrthrychau megis clychau llaw y Drindod – a oedd wedi cael eu canu gan bobl ifanc.

From our initial interviews and research, we came up with 4themes which would frame the exhibition: O’n cyfweliadau cychwynnol a’n hymchwil, fe wnaethom lunio 4 thema a fyddai’n fframio’r arddangosfa:

1.     Trinity in the Neighbourhood – how Trinity served the community around it.  Y Drindod yn y Gymdogaeth – sut roedd y Drindod yn gwasanaethu’r gymuned o’i chwmpas.

2.     Social Action – about the city-wide work Trinity did such as The Lightship 2000 and Amelia Farm Trust. Gweithredu Cymdeithasol – am y gwaith a wnaeth y Drindod ar draws y ddinas megis The Lightship 2000 ac Amelia Farm Trust.

3.     The Trinity Welcome – how Trinity was an open door and welcomed people in from all backgrounds, faiths, and life experiences. Croeso’r Drindod – sut roedd y Drindod yn ddrws agored ac yn croesawu pobl o bob cefndir, ffydd a phrofiad bywyd.

4.     Trinity Youth – about life as a young person through time. Ieuenctid y Drindod – am fywyd fel person ifanc dros amser.

We also decided a timeline was essential to telling the story and the group came up with what information was needed and how it should look – presented in bubbles.

Now we had our themes, we started to look over the interview transcripts and pick out bits of audio that fitted with each theme, editing together to make a sound piece.

We came up with ideas on how to present each audio piece in a listening box – with different shaped designs eg, the Lightship shaped box tells the story of Social Action. We also managed to salvage an old clock from Trinity’s building site. The clock says ‘Trinity Youth’ instead of having numbers so we turned that into a listening station with 12 pieces of audio about life as a young person – push the button to hear a piece.

Fe benderfynon ni hefyd fod llinell amser yn hanfodol i adrodd y stori a phenderfynodd y grŵp pa wybodaeth oedd ei hangen a sut y dylai edrych – wedi’i chyflwyno mewn swigod.

Nawr bod gennym ein themâu, dechreuon ni edrych dros y trawsgrifiadau cyfweliad a dewis darnau sain a oedd yn cyd-fynd â phob thema, gan olygu gyda'i gilydd i wneud darn sain.

Fe wnaethon ni feddwl am syniadau ar sut i gyflwyno pob darn sain mewn blwch gwrando – gyda chynlluniau siâp gwahanol ee, mae'r blwch siâp Lightship yn adrodd stori Gweithredu Cymdeithasol. Llwyddom hefyd i achub hen gloc o safle adeiladu'r Drindod. Mae’r cloc yn dweud ‘Trinity Youth’ yn lle'r rhifau felly fe wnaethon ni droi honno’n orsaf wrando gyda 12 darn o sain am fywyd fel person ifanc – gwthio’r botwm i glywed darn.

Two of the group wrote the text to accompany each listening station – to give background to what people were listening to.

Alongside work the young people were doing, another group were also working hard on the exhibition content.

Aurora Trinity Collective is a group of women who encourage the sharing of creative knowledge and skills in a safe and welcoming space for those seeking sanctuary in this country. The women created a textile pattern artwork especially for the exhibition. It was inspired by the culture and history of those who use the Trinity centre now, in the present day. Aurora Trinity Collective created a series of pattern illustrations relating to the memories and cultural traditions of the group members. These individual patterns were then brought together to create a unique design, a collective pattern of their lives and community. The Trinity Community Pattern represents the unity and strength we draw from each other, our culture and heritage.

Ysgrifennodd dau o’r grŵp y testun i gyd-fynd â phob gorsaf wrando – i roi cefndir i’r hyn roedd pobl yn gwrando arno.

Ochr yn ochr â'r gwaith yr oedd y bobl ifanc yn ei wneud, roedd grŵp arall hefyd yn gweithio'n galed ar gynnwys yr arddangosfa.

Grŵp o fenywod yw Aurora Trinity Collective sy’n annog rhannu gwybodaeth a sgiliau creadigol mewn gofod diogel a chroesawgar i’r rhai sy’n ceisio noddfa yn y wlad hon. Creodd y merched waith celf patrwm tecstilau yn arbennig ar gyfer yr arddangosfa. Fe’i hysbrydolwyd gan ddiwylliant a hanes y rhai sy’n defnyddio Canolfan y Drindod yn awr, yn y presennol. Creodd Aurora Trinity Collective gyfres o ddarluniau patrwm yn ymwneud ag atgofion a thraddodiadau diwylliannol aelodau’r grŵp. Yna daethpwyd â’r patrymau unigol hyn at ei gilydd i greu dyluniad unigryw, patrwm cyfunol o’u bywydau a’u cymuned. Mae Patrwm Cymunedol y Drindod yn cynrychioli’r undod a chryfder yr ydym yn ei dynnu oddi wrth ein gilydd, ein diwylliant a’n treftadaeth.


The Trinity Centre Exhibition: Welcome to All is on at the Museum of Cardiff (The Old Library CF10 1BH) until 30th November. Monday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm, free entry.

Mae Arddangosfa Canolfan y Drindod: Croeso i Bawb ymlaen yn Amgueddfa Caerdydd (Yr Hen Lyfrgell CF10 1BH) tan 30 Tachwedd. Dydd Llun – Dydd Sadwrn, 10yb – 4yp, mynediad am ddim.