Trinity Centre Cardiff

Canolfan y Drindod

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Weekly events

People dishing up food

A drop in for asylum seekers and refugees, with hot food, pool table, refreshments and ESOL lessons - all welcome!

Women painting henna onto a hand

Aurora Trinity Collective

Every Friday morning, a group of friendly and artistic women come together to create art and socialise.

Community session in a hall

WRC Parent and Toddler Group

A chance for asylum seeking and refugee families to come together and play!

The Trinity Centre works with some of the most disadvantaged people in our community to address inequality, tackle poverty and support people to create and implement plans to achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their families.

Trinity Centre is an outreach project of the Methodist Church in Cardiff. Trinity Methodist Church has been at the heart of communities operating for over 100 years, meeting the changing needs of the local community. It has provided a base for work with refugees and asylum seekers for the last 10 years, working closely with other organisations and partners to provide a welcome and practical support.

Mae Canolfan y Drindod yn brosiect allgymorth yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghaerdydd. Mae Eglwys Fethodistaidd y Drindod wedi bod wrth galon cymunedau sy’n gweithredu ers dros 100 mlynedd, gan ddiwallu anghenion cyfnewidiol y gymuned leol. Mae wedi bod yn ganolfan ar gyfer gwaith gyda ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches am y 10 mlynedd diwethaf, gan weithio’n agos gyda sefydliadau a phartneriaid eraill i ddarparu croeso a chymorth ymarferol.

How you can help


Your donation can help us offer more services to more people.

Gall eich rhodd ein helpu i gynnig mwy o wasanaethau i fwy o bobl.


We have a range of opportunities for you to get involved.

Mae gennym amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd i chi gymryd rhan.

Find out more
Giving Love

Can you support our Toiletries Bank?

Gallwch chi gefnogi ein Banc Cynnyrch Hylendid?

Find out more
Our Mission

To offer a space where people from multiple continents with various faith backgrounds or none, can learn to integrate into their locality through coming together through a variety of programmes and groups which use the Centre’s facilities.


The Trinity Centre offers a place where the local community can meet, share and learn from their experiences of life in a safe environment.

To offer sanctuary for all to support the needy in society, including refugees and asylum seekers, and to break down the barriers that separate communities by building mutual understanding respect and trust.

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Ein cefnogi i adeiladu dyfodol gwell

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